alchemy mercury symbol
The metal mercury is part of every stage of the Great Work of the creation of the Philosopher’s Stone and has numerous symbolisms. Mercury (called quicksilver) is one of the three prime materials of alchemy. Mercury is one of the most important substances in Alchemy. It is the highest divinity, but also a devil. Mercury (one of the seven planetary symbols) also known in ancient times as quicksilver, represents the mind, and was believed to be able to shift between life and death as it was able to shift between liquid and solid states. The Mercury symbol consists of an unfilled circle placed on top of a cross, which connects with the lowest median point. The belief carried over into other areas, as mercury was thought to transcend life/death and heaven/earth. They coiled themselves around the wand and, formed, the caduceus, a symbol of opposing forces continuously held … Mercury, an element also known as hydrargyrum … On an alchemical level, this symbol means that Mercury, a messenger of the gods, casts his magic wand between two warring serpents. Mercury. As sulphur is the symbol for the active principle, mercury is the symbol of the passive principle. It was represented by the planet Mercury and is representative of female energy. Sulfur and mercury are described as originating from the same original substance; one might even be described as the opposite gender of the other--for example, sulfur is the male aspect of mercury. Mercury was believed to transcend the liquid and solid states. ♦ Ram: A Mercury symbol of energy, drive as well as fertility (of ideas) ♦ Wings: An icon of thought taking flight as well as messaging good news ♦ Dragon: In Chinese alchemy, chui-yin is liquid silver and corresponds to the Chinese dragon who speaks of … Alchemy Symbols Air. Meaning of the alchemy symbol for Mercury. This symbol is associated with the colors blue, white, and gray. In ancient symbology, water embodies the moon, the feminine and the mercurial nature; alchemical mercury often being called Luna, or the feminine. Here are some explanations of this mysterious substance. Resembling a combination of the signs for Libra and Mercury, this symbol is one of several alchemical markings related to sublimation. Alchemy is defined as “A medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life.”In alchemy, it was mandatory to use symbols to represent an idea, and individual alchemists used different symbols to depict one idea. An upright triangle with a horizontal bar represents the element of air (it is the inverse of the symbol of earth). Mercury, or Mercurius, is the Roman name for the Greek god HERMES, the central mythological figure in … Mercury is a term used for almost everything. Alchemical symbols, originally devised as part of alchemy, were used to denote some elements and some compounds until the 18th century.Although notation like this was mostly standardized, style and symbol varied between alchemists, so this page lists the most common. No alchemical symbol is so confusing as Mercury. Above the circle is a curved, semi-circle shape. It represents the mind, as well as the life force. If you are interested in learning more about chemicals, these alchemy symbols will teach you about transformation, creation, and combination. Read more » Mercury chloride or Sublimation (alternate #4) As the second of the Three Primes among alchemy symbols, mercury is an element represented by a symbol made of an upward pointing crescent moon on top of what we call ‘the female symbol’ today. The element was believed to have feminine qualities, so it was common for a mercury alchemy symbol to reflect the female influences.
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