funny military code names
Right, you may not be too bright or intellectual, as they say in the military. Sure, ‘Goose’ is not the greatest nickname in the military ranks (slow, dumb bird flying in a group formation), but there was also ‘Iceman’ and ‘Maverick.’. Although it sounds like it’s an edict by the street captain to drive slowly when kids are at play, this endeavor—along with its little sister, Operation Safe Market—was actually a 2007 effort to make residential neighborhoods, marketplaces, and areas of traffic congestion safer for Iraqis to live and work in during the Iraq War. Slacking off is part of the military, but this person takes things to the next level. Operation Anthropoid – assassination of top Nazi Reinhard Heydrichin Prague 2. By joining the military, you inadvertently sign on for any number of service related slurs. And while that might be a hard lesson to learn, after reading this comprehensive article on military nicknames, pilot nicknames, and the traditions that surround naming ceremonies in the Army, you will be able to not only navigate this treacherous (landmine-filled?) Seems as though someone was like “Okay, we’re bombing trains. But that's sometimes exactly the point of a code name. The scheme originally came from the mind of Ian Fleming, who later authored the James Bond books, back when he was an assistant to the head of British Naval Intelligence. In fact, one column includes code names grouped by a particular theme and another column just lists a bunch of cool words and phrases to consider for code names. This is a nickname for someone who talks way too slow or is just downright boring. Bush delivering his second inaugural address via. A nickname for a very, very flakey person. NOTE: you never want to be the cry-baby in a military unit (or corporate boardroom). This nickname stands for Big Dumb Unit. It worked perfectly. This moniker will usually go to the poor kid from south of the border or the chap who loves tacos, quesadillas, and nachos! This one was a counterterrorism effort that involved a group of 13,000 top-secret commandos who served as military security to support the 2005 U.S. presidential inauguration of George W. Bush. A moniker that stands for “Chick in a Man’s Body.”. territory but dole out some cool military nicknames and monikers of your own! Not bad. Last name Cooper? It is based on an ugly ol’ bird that just can’t get off the ground. Based on a funny, crazy, or otherwise *EPIC* event, 3. This name is given to the person who just keeps at it and keeps asking for a name. Operation Lion Cub had two very important missions on December 21 and 24 of 2004—to commandeer a convoy full of toys to the villages of Wynott, Al Alam, and Al Owja in Iraq, where soldiers would hand them out to Iraqi children. First name Stewart or Stuart? Alternatively, the person flew by the seat of his or her pants with little preparation. The name likely refers to the tool kind of gimlet and not the cocktail kind, but it still sounds like what happens after you slog through your tedious Friday at work and finally make it to happy hour. E.g. Hours after the mission ended, North Vietnamese tanks came crashing through the gates of the Independence Palace, and President (of two days) Duong Van Minh surrendered, signifying the end of the Vietnam War. Or, maybe you got caught having a meltdown on the basketball court, and the team refuses to call you by your old nickname and instead begins shouting ‘KOKO! A nickname for a gal (or guy) looking for gold by way of a sugar daddy (or momma). Let me spell it out for you: Stu…Pid. Like the above, another acronym that indicates the military person to be Dumb As S***. Most folks know at least a few military code words (more specifically, the NATO phonetic alphabet) – nearly all of us can recite Alpha and Bravo. Hajji: A derogatory term for Iraqis, used widely during the Iraq War. Although there’s rarely a (public) explanation of why the weird names were assigned, that doesn’t make them any less amusing. A name used to describe someone on the shorter side. A nickname for the guy or gal always volunteering. This mass evacuation of orphans after the fall of Saigon … This name is an acronym for “original gangster” or someone who is just that tough. Image credit: The operation probably looked just like this. A nickname used in the German Luftwaffe indicating someone of unrivaled. It’s fun to make up origin stories here, but this codename is actually no mystery. Which generation do you belong to? In other words, why did you join the military in the first place? Some of these may be harder to escape, especially if you’re done growing or weigh 100 pounds soaking wet. If you stop trying so hard, you might be able to get rid of this nickname, which harks back to annoying Marty from Back to the Future. This is a nickname reserved for Brits on assignment to US bases and starts for ‘losers of the American Revolution’—Ouch! An army nickname bestowed to the poor guy with a butchered haircut (see also ‘Landing Strip’). Code name generator . One of the most prominent influences of pop culture on government and on the deep state is in the use of code names. over the phone or military radio).Each word ("code word") stands for its initial letter (alphabetical "symbol").The 26 code words in the NATO phonetic alphabet are assigned to the 26 letters of … See also ‘Storm,’ though; this one is arguably better since it at least has an X-Men. KOKO! Regardless, we recommend you just own it. Did you recently dye your hair black? A nickname for someone without a home or who is seen as a bit of a bum. Not much of a secret codename, but it’s kind of adorable. There’s not a whole lot of info out there on Operation Gimlet Victory, other than that it happened in 2004 during the Iraq War. This is a nickname that is, like the above, not politically correct as it stands for funny accent guy and is used behind closed doors in and around NATO. W; Languages; NATO Phonetic Alphabet; NATO Phonetic Alphabet. The short answer is – No, not all nicknames are bad, but the harder you fight one, well, the more likely it is to stick. That said, remember to always take care when seeking a military moniker for yourself or for a pal. The reason behind the name seems to have been lost to history. Are you shore shore (pardon the play on words!)? The Nazis will have no idea what a ‘choo-choo’ is.” This was a successful mission, by the way—the railways were extensively damaged, forcing Germany to scramble for laborers to repair them when there was already a huge labor shortage. This name is seen throughout the British and Royal Navies and, yes, though not politically correct, refers to the guy or gal that calls the subcontinent home. We recommend you stop going to Las Vegas and waking up with Tyson-esque tattoos and piercings that resemble princely crowns! This nickname just so happened to rhyme with the airman’s last name, which is to say that sometimes you just cannot get away from your family name (well, unless you’re a gal and get hitched!). They ended up detaining 12 men as a result, including a few who were on the American “Most Wanted” list. Finally, kindly let us know if we made any glaring errors or missed a totally rad, ridiculous, or reasonable military nickname. But how do you find a cool military nickname, how do you get others to call you by the cool name, and not get laughed at or called KOKO? Do you struggle to get a tan? Additionally, you may eat too frequently at McDonald’s! It can be used to create military code names, project code names, secret service code names, or army code names. Do you lift heavy weights, or do you lift heavy weights? You have been deemed a slow-moving clot—best to lay low for a while if you’re wearing this nickname! NATO reporting names are code names for military equipment from Russia, China, and historically, the Eastern Bloc (Soviet Union and other nations of the Warsaw Pact).They provide unambiguous and easily understood English words in a uniform manner in place of the original designations, which either may have been unknown to the Western world at the time or easily confused codes. A name given to someone who tends to cry a great deal and is a little weepy. But this is far from the first bizarrely named military … A nickname for someone who talks dirty all the time. The plan here was to systemically bomb German railways in 1944. A name reserved for the pilot, soldier, or marine who is just out there on his own and in his own little world. You may want to hit the gym a bit more or avoid partaking in the military tradition of ‘Tiny T-Shirt Tuesday’ given your, er, gut is exposed (alternatively, ‘Muffin Top’). A name given to a pilot who can withstand a lot of G-forces. Based on a personality trait or physical characteristic, 300 Popular Police Nicknames From Around The World, 400+ Dancer Nicknames, Names, and Stage Names, 100+ Lovely Nicknames For Your Girlfriend (With Meanings), 1000+ Cool Gamer Tags and How to Create a Unique Gamer Tag, 500+ Cute Couple Nicknames For Him or Her, 1000+ Cute Nicknames For Girls (With Meanings), 154 Hindi/Indian Nicknames For Guys and Girls. A moniker for someone with a 1950’s-esque. The nickname for someone who is either a huge mess or in love with college football’s University of Miami team. this person should never be left to their own devices, which is not a good thing in the fog and friction of war! Also in military operations code names are commonly used. An acronym that stands for “annoying little f***.” By the way, when you ask for a nickname repeatedly, well, you are being an ALF. A name that, while not entirely original, at least means you’re a rebel without a cause. Think along the lines of an ‘Irish Goodbye’ and don’t be ‘that guy’! Ghost. The name bestowed to the guy or gal who is loyal to the death and never gives up the fight! Get it? see also Code Names by Date. The designation given to either someone with the last name Jenkins or the rogue player in military simulations. Fleming confessed that he’d borrowed the idea of a dead body with false papers from a spy novel he’d once read. A nickname for someone who, whether they look the part or eat the part (see above reference to Paco and Mexico), ‘Might Be Asian.’. A nickname for someone who just has a lot of hair (everywhere!). Early U.S. nuclear weapons program during World War II This invasion was part of the two-pronged, equally-oddly named Operation Cartwheel, the group of attacks that the Allied troops conducted in order to first isolate and then descend upon the Japanese military base at Rabaul, on the Solomon island of New Britain. The grizzly bit is less clear, but the Americans might just have been flattering themselves. Walkie talkie talk codes can be used by civilians, military, ambulance dispatch, emergency responders, and police. This is a person who can work his or her magic on the general, boss, or coach! In the military, codenames are frequently used to designate missions and operations. SSGT James A. Williams via, Operation Mincemeat involved a decoy corpse, Viking Offroad being a company that manufactures them, U.S. soldiers went out on a counterinsurgency raid in Iraq under this codename, The plan here was to systemically bomb German railways in 1944, Operation Lion Cub had two very important missions. Get it? Keep him or her as a wingman for sure! EMFFI État Major des Forces Françaises de l'Intérieure (General Staff, French Forces of the Interior). A nickname for the guy or gal who is a terrible pilot. Do we need to unpack this? Read the glossary. A. Here are just a few of the more memorable. As in the Teletubbies’ Tinky-Winky. Additionally, you may want to reconsider whether you come across as a little sketchy when you talk about your moonlighting gig—no one wants to be associated with someone doing an illegal job (or drugs!). Hm, maybe reconsider your dye-job. While there are some outrightly offensive terms, we have found that with nicknames, context matters. A nickname for the officer unable to read a map. Code names don't always make sense, both in the real world and in this generator. No word on where exactly the name came from, but it’s worth pointing out that although beavers are native to North America and Eurasia, there are none to be found in the wild in Vietnam. A nickname for someone who has a flatulence issue (pee yew!). List of the top coupon code terms distributed to shoppers for use at checkout as tracked by since 2009. This mission was the first major Allied offensive exacted in the Solomon Islands since New Georgia’s neighbor, Guadalcanal, had been secured the previous February, and it led to the subsequent capture of the rest of the Solomons, concluding with the island of Bougainville. If so, then do you get it? ABILENE Gulf War VII Corps phase line. NOTE: this is not a moniker you want to wear when in the profession of arms. A nickname for the soldier or ground dweller that is, by their account, just in the military to get the benefits and start their burgeoning rap career (no, seriously). In more simple terms, a codename is a name that you agree upon and you use to hide what you are talking about. INDEX OF OPERATIONAL AND CODE NAMES. The nickname for someone who sermonizes or preaches a bit too much. In other, er, words, you mumble a lot! Basically, they were cracking down on car bombs, with additional measures to decrease general sectarian violence. Malta aircraft delivery 8/42. It refers to someone who tends to break things and is a bit of a clumsy oaf, but refuses to slow down or take caution when in the bar with other fliers, military friends, and the like and who often causes a scene. Infinite Moonlight – U.S.–Jordanian exercise, 1990s. Right. Image credit: US Army forces in Kirkuk, Iraq in 2003. Are you looking for cool military nicknames? Of note, though, and as a precaution: do NOT do anything stupid as that, too, could result in an undesirable moniker! This nickname is often handed out to coalition partners when the soldier or airman is unable to pronounce his counterpart’s name (e.g., Varsonofy Krestovozdvizhensky). These codes can include basic ten codes, which will allow the user to clearly and quickly get their message across to other parties listening. You can use this code name generator to give code names to all kinds of random things. This is just point of fact, and shouldn’t necessarily be viewed as anything other than amusing. This is not a bad nickname unless you are trying to be a hard soldier or marine, in which case, right…best to ride this one out! Operation Mincemeat involved a decoy corpse—a possible (if gross) clue for the name’s origin. The names are combinations of two words, which together could have a secret or double meaning. In line with the above nickname, some folks of Eastern European descent will get this nickname from their ignoramus coalition buddies since this is the only aircraft, they are likely to know or associate with the former Soviet Union. This is another Muppets character who never shuts up and has a high-pitched (read: annoying) voice. This one (name, not religion!) If you thought the last one sounded crass, there’s also this one. From the name, this one sounds like it absolutely, positively must have happened in the ’80s, but actually it was not until 2006 that Operation Beastmaster cleared three neighborhoods in the Baghdad suburb of Ghazaliya—an area itself codenamed “IED Alley East.” Even though none of them used scimitars or were able to telepathically communicate with animals like in the movie, U.S. troops worked in tandem with the Iraqi Army to great success, leading the latter to uncover seven weapon caches as well as a deposit of roadside bomb-crafting supplies. Lasting from late April through mid-May of 1967, the Marines walked away with 66 captured Vietcong soldiers and the operation was considered a success. This is another internationally renowned nickname and references the guy or gal who deflects any blame to somebody else. BARK. We recommend you play your cards close around this individual. A Power Geyser, by the way, is a fighting move from the video game series Fatal Fury, where character Terry Bogard blasts the ground with his fist, thereby devising a field of explosive energy around him that sends his opponents flying. NAVAL-RELATED CODE NAMES. Do you have a flair for the dramatic? There are tons of funny code names as well as some cute code names. The generator has thousands of good code names to choose from. The plan was initially part of a memo containing possible ideas to lure German U-Boats toward minefields and was titled #28: A Suggestion (not a very nice one). This name is an acronym that stands for Can’t Remember A F***ing Thing and is, obviously, not a great moniker. The mission also resulted in the capture of an (unnamed) high-value target. The nickname of someone who has a way with words or actions and gets the team out of trouble in a pinch. That said, be careful who you associate with on- and off-duty! Like blue-black-purple? Maybe you are on the slim side, but there are worse things to be in the military! Often military code names are used publicly after the campaigns making them well know. Never carried out Nazi German invasion of England. A name given to either an excellent boxer or someone whose last name is Creed. Perhaps someone just dubbed you ‘Goose’ after you bungled a big presentation in front of the boss and chief executive. Despite what you might guess given some slang connotations here, Operation Viking Snatch—which attempted to stop a rash of weapons-smuggling during the Iraq War—was named and carried out within the last decade. We look forward to your report; ‘til next time… you are DISMISSED! you, grumbling, complaining, all-around annoying hunchback! This name has been given in an international context for those who shoot snot rockets (i.e., blow their nose in a foxhole or out on the Flightline) with reckless abandon! One of Snowwhite’s seven dwarfs. Let me spell it out for you:  Stu…Pid. Almost 20 years before the superhuman mutant of the same name was DIY-ing magnetic fields in the 1963 debut issue of X-Men, Allied forces were using this word during WWII to refer to a 1945 conference among Winston Churchill, Josef Stalin, and FDR. Right, maybe going as a Playboy, er, ‘rep’ to the last Halloween party was a bad idea. And "Desert Storm" was the military codename for the American invasion of Iraq in 1991. The list of military slang is extensive and, at times, pretty darn funny (especially when you read through lists like this with your husband, who … EMINENCE Code name for COL Roland of the FTP. I’ve used many of these over the years and hope you enjoy using them too. Begun in 1944 as an outgrowth of the earlier Plan Z, the mission was abandoned—maybe because the sun came up?—but then reinstated the following year. Image credit: Spc. Photograph of the fictitious girlfriend Pam. In industry, codenames are often used to designate products that are in their developement phase to protect them from competitors. Regardless, a name used for someone who can ‘get things done’ in a military sense. It can be hard to stay current with military slang, so OMK created a list of terms/slang that are new or established, but still used, found below. This moniker is a good one to hold onto if at all possible! Operation Overlord – Allied invasion of Normandy 4. Right, didn’t think so! Li nks to Main World War 2 Pages: ... Support of military advance in Burma 12/44. Military terms/slang originates for various reasons and changes throughout time. A nickname for the soldier or sailor likely to distract and then run away from danger. A name for someone who loves his own jokes and fails to see that no one else appreciates his humor. code name meaning: 1. a special word or name that is used instead of the real name of someone or something to keep the…. Family Readiness Groups in the U.S. and Germany had collected the toys over several months as part of a Christmas donation drive, and the operation received a very positive response from both the kids and their parents. Why Are Code Names Needed? Greatest Generation (before 1946) Baby Boomer (1946-1964) Generation X (1965-1984) Millennial (1982-2004) Generation Alpha (2005 till now) And so, without further ado, here are 100+ military nicknames for you to consider: Given to the individual who may or may not be a sort of bad luck charm in a unit or squadron. A nickname seen more frequently in overseas units and divisions that alludes to the Mormon leader and his many wives. Er, as in one of the four. This name is an acronym for pain in the a**, which you may or may not be considered in or around the squadron. This is all to say, just let it happen organically and if you get pinned with a poor nickname, just ride it out. See also Gorbachev; a name for someone of Russian-ish descent and who may still carry the ascent and own it like a boss. 1.1 Code Words 1.2 Nicknames 1.3 Exercise Terms 1.4 Alphabetical Blocks for Nicknames and Exercise Terms 1.5 Permanently Assigned First Words for Two-Word Nicknames 1.6 Sources. A nickname for the crimefighting dog and probably the squadron snitch! Or perhaps you’re small in stature. OPERATION BEAVER CAGE. Like Ginger, you are a redhead, but probably on the bigger side (not necessarily a bad thing)! The guys they were looking for were suspected of attacking coalition forces, and the search was conducted in Najaf, a city just south of Baghdad. However, military operations—British or otherwise—haven’t always followed these principles, and some of their names seem downright ridiculous. This nickname harks back to 2005 before memes were memes. Part of the Burma Campaign, the operation was led by British and Indian forces via sea and sky to wrest the region from Japan, which had invaded in 1942. A nickname either referring to the zany Sesame Street puppet or, better yet, someone not to be met in a back alley or when upset! First name Stewart or Stuart? It stems from the nickname for the 82nd Airborne Division—“All-American”—and the “Tiger” squadron of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment, both of which launched the first phase of the plan. Whether you realize it or not, you come across as a creepy older man. A nickname for someone who has flown his or her aircraft at night without the appropriate goggles, which is to say ‘blind’. Glenn Miller would be proud. Okay, what’s a train-themed name that we can use that doesn’t actually have the word train in it? Hence, the reference to Ms. Minnelli herself. As promised, and before launching into a roll call of the military names, one must first understand that these seemingly silly nicknames play a much greater role within the greater context of military tradition. This article includes a list of more than 500 code names to consider for your use. The codename is perhaps a nod to the ancient symbol of Iraq, the Lion of Babylon. Are all nicknames and military callsigns negative? Here's a list of well know military code names: Operation Sealion. British military nickname given to someone whose last name corresponds with that of a famous person whereby the designated recipient gets the Christian name; here Rogers. Guy. So they took the body of Welsh laborer Glyndwr Michael, who’d died from eating rat poison, and planted some phony top-secret papers describing a plan to attack Greece and Sardinia on it, as well as a photo of a fake girlfriend, then let it float to an area off Spain where a particular Nazi agent was located. That said, this tradition can be quite serious, and the naming ceremony can take several hours on a Friday night. The NATO phonetic alphabet is a Spelling Alphabet, a set of words used instead of letters in oral communication (i.e. Or railway? Image credit: Exactly this, only in Iraq several years later. You are small but cute! The codename is perhaps a nod to the ancient symbol of Iraq, the Lion of Babylon. Right, then the name suits! Military operation title of the invasion of Iraq in 1991; Manhattan Project. 1 Names — Another Form of Designation. The U.S. military ended up giving this name to the November 2003 Iraq War mission to search and clear farms and villages around the Euphrates River in the Northern Iraqi town of Al -Qaim as they tried to capture a handful of insurgent leaders. It might be worth having a look! EMILE Code name for French patriot. The operation took place in September 2007. Alternatively, this is also a reference to someone who has broken their arm on duty and is forced to wear a sling resembling, well, a lunchbox! Are you a little slow moving, or do you have, er, junk in the trunk? Sadly, this nickname is reserved for the guy with a big, sharp nose. Operation Blue Star - was an Indian military operation which took place 3–8 June … Are you a little frosty? Operation Babylift. However, it can probably be assumed that whoever picked this codename was quite aware of its additional entendres and used it anyway. The name given to a soldier or airman with red hair. A name given to someone who is maybe a little bit older than they act or they look a certain way. Operation Beaver Cage was a helicopter assault launched by the U.S. Marines upon on a Vietcong base in the very populous Que Son Valley, south of Da Nang. As in Gilmore, or: did you have a bad last round of golf and play through nine holes like you were playing ice hockey? Bats use a sort of sonar to find their way as they have poor vision—you, however, do not and so should stop jeopardizing the mission and putting others’ lives at risk! Learn more. Ask, and ye shall receive (which is to say, ‘NEVER ASK’), 2. A name for those with the last name ‘Schmidt.’ Hey, it could be worse! In any known language?” “I’ve got an idea, sir. Josh Bolten // "Fatboy" George W. Bush's Chief of Staff had a fondness for riding Harleys, … Stop living in your head and start speaking with others would be sound advice for this solo artist! British military nickname given to someone whose last name corresponds with that of a famous person whereby the designated recipient gets the Christian name; here Black. A funny military name given to the guy or gal who claims to be a world-class CrossFit fiend, but does not always look the part. Are you from the Jersey Shore? You wanted a nickname? A nickname for the gal (hopefully) that just cannot help but show off her lower-back tattoo. Sadly, everyone sees you as a tool since you’re always volunteering the unit for misadventures or sucking up to the colonel, general, or military advisor. A nickname for a ghost that’s not really too frightening; see also ‘Ghost.’. A Hajii Shop was an … In a 1943 wartime memo on the subject of coining operation names, he cautioned: “Do not suggest the character of the operation or disparage it in any way, and do not enable some widow or mother to say that her son was killed in an operation called ‘Bunnyhug’ or ‘Ballyhoo.’” Understandable. 1 Names — Another Form of Designation (by Andreas Gehrs-Pahl). They … This is a nickname for the guy who is always able to wriggle his way out of trouble and is not a good thing when you leave your comrades in arms taking the blame. A funny military name given to the guy or gal who claims to be a world-class CrossFit fiend, but does not always look the part. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "af4a297b255f4bc0eaaaf915e6b45488" );document.getElementById("d526257c7b").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Nicknames can be used in several positive ways. Cal Turner in Baghdad. It stands for “I Require Intense Supervision,” i.e. The British and Indian forces encroached on Rangoon as monsoon season began, only to find that the Japanese had skipped town a few days earlier, whereupon it was occupied by the Indian 26th Division without opposition. Military-issued pistols are usually called 9-mils. British military nickname given to someone whose last name corresponds with that of a famous person whereby the designated recipient gets the Christian name; here Barker. Sorry if you don’t—just means it’s a good nickname! By Kate Papenberg, 10 years of military experience, as a logistician in the United States Air Force. This may seem like a bit of overkill (no pun intended), but when lives are on the line the soldier, sailor, UN volunteer, or flier next to you needs to know that when the bullets start flying, you’re willing to risk it all to complete the mission. Don’t use nicknames as a tool to hurt others. A nickname reserved for a gal (or guy) whose last name is Monroe or some derivative sounding similar. Operation Magneto, along with Operation Cricket, the prep meeting that happened few days prior, were collectively known as Operation Argonaut. This nickname is right up there with ‘Maverick’— you are a rebel without a cause! A nickname for any international type that eats everything in the shared, communal kitchen or chowhall. Again, is your last name Smart? A nickname for someone who is pure evil (see Star Wars). What is your military code name? In summary, we hope that you found this list as well as some of the traditions, history, and naming conventions behind, er, the names, useful! But what many civilians don’t know is that some military code words are real names, such as “Oscar” and “Juliet.” Many of these words would make appropriate and fun names for dogs! Definitely a cool nickname and one that can be earned on a baseball diamond or in the boardroom. And for what it’s worth, it was specifically the 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment from within the 82nd who worked on this plan, and those guys have their own nickname: “The Devils in Baggy Pants,” plucked from the diary of a disgruntled Wehrmacht officer who was killed in WWII. Sometimes it might be best to simply put up with a less-than. A moniker given to the guy or gal who can put a military chowhall buffet out of business and then go back for seconds. Several military code names are very well known in the public. This name generator will generate 10 random code names.
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