reed college course catalog
While a conventional letter grade for each course is recorded for every student, the registrar’s office does not routinely distribute grades to students, providing work continues at satisfactory (C or higher) levels. Phone: 503-771-1112 The library manages a collection of nearly 230,000 digital images that support instruction and research in art, classics, humanities, history, and other disciplines. So make it fun. The Educational Program. Hundreds of nationally recognised Professional qualifications & training courses from the UK's leading education providers. First-year applicants to Reed may choose between two application platforms to submit an application form and required writing supplements. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Additional information about student access to grades is found under “Evaluation,” earlier in this section. No thesis course or independent study course can be used to satisfy a distribution requirement. The student may be encouraged to transfer to another department or division. These six units, however arranged, constitute a full program for the senior year and require payment of full tuition each semester, even if the number of units being taken in one of the two semesters falls below three. The instructor may set an earlier deadline for completion of this work. Reed’s wireless network reaches all residence halls, classrooms, labs, offices, and study areas, and many open spaces. Notice of Non-Discrimination/Web-Accessibility The appropriate departments, divisions, and committees are expected to review the records of all newly declared juniors and advise them whether the proposed program of study is satisfactory, or whether certain course changes are required. Browse and find the right course for career today. Most courses are characterized by teaching based on conferences, studios, or laboratories, in which students and faculty members work closely together. WE ARE CURRENTLY UPDATING COURSE … Registration for the full year takes place in spring of the preceding year for continuing students and during orientation for new students. Additionally, every new student should confer with the adviser following the first progress review in the fall. Special Collections and Archives collects, preserves, and provides access to rare books, manuscripts, college archives, and other primary source materials with enduring historical value. Students who fail to complete the required work for courses graded as incomplete will be assigned a final grade based on the work completed. Sophomore or junior transfers may substitute either Humanities 220 or two units from Humanities 211, 212, 231 and 232, and one additional unit from Group I or Group II for the Humanities 110 requirement. Transfer credit may be used to meet certain degree requirements if faculty approval is secured in advance. 775-348-0200. Reed’s carefully built collection provides strong support for student coursework and for individual research interests. The College Archives contains publications produced by students and the college, including course catalogs, handbooks, magazines, Griffin Yearbooks, Quest newspapers, literary magazines, and other student publications. Fax: 503-777-7769. Junior Qualifying ExaminationAfter declaring the major, students must pass a qualifying examination administered by the major department and/or interdisciplinary committee before being allowed to begin a thesis in the senior year. Faculty comments are considered along with the grade record in deciding whether an academic action should be taken. Students may obtain a transfer credit approval form and additional information from the registrar’s office. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. A student may elect to complete a minor in fields where a minor has been established. The qualifying examination is not meant to qualify only the best students and in actuality does not operate that way. Only one PE or community engagement credit may be earned during any quarter. The completion of a minor will be recorded when the student graduates. Each semester is divided into two quarters for physical education activities; six quarters of approved activities must be completed to meet the physical education requirement. The committee of examiners typically includes faculty members from the student’s own department and division; faculty members from a second division; and, on occasion, professionals from outside the college. Reed students intern at the Cooley, receiving rigorous mentorship in curatorial issues, K-12 museum education, and gallery operations The Cooley also founded and organizes Reed’s Calligraphy Initiative, which offers weekly calligraphy classes for students and the Reed community. The dean of students and other members of the student life division staff are also available to discuss educational and personal concerns. A substantial portion of at least one unit used to satisfy the Group III requirement must be devoted to primary data collection and the analysis of that data. Descriptions of these requirements follow. Due to our desire to rotate courses, and to rotate faculty through certain courses, there are always some … To make a change of program once classes begin, the student must submit to the registrar’s office a completed add-drop form, approved by the faculty adviser and the course instructor. A second failure of the qualifying examination will debar the student from candidacy for a degree in that department. Reed College Catalog. CollegeSource Online features College Catalogs in cover-to-cover, original page format representing 2-Year, 4-Year, Graduate and Professional Schools. A performing arts librarian, an instructional technologist, and other staff support the use of collections, technology, and services for dance, music, and theatre. Use and evaluate quantitative data or modeling, or use logical/mathematical reasoning to evaluate, test or prove statements, Given a problem or question, formulate a hypothesis or conjecture, and design an experiment, collect data or use mathematical reasoning to test or validate it. At least two of these units, one of which must be in a course other than thesis, must be earned in each of the two thesis semesters. A full course for one semester carries one Reed unit of credit, which is the equivalent of four semester hours or six quarter hours. For example, several history, literature, and anthropology courses are included in the offerings of the classics and music departments. Students receive frequent written and oral comments on their work. Sociology 211 and one other sociology course. The one exception is humanities, where the cap of two units excludes Humanities 110 or, in the case of transfer students, other humanities courses being used to satisfy the Humanities 110 requirement. The methods of instruction vary with the subject matter of the courses, the number in the class, and the judgment and preferred pedagogy of the instructor. Independent study is ordinarily available only to juniors and seniors, and no more than four units of independent study may be applied toward the degree. Its primary mission is to provide collections and services that support the educational goals of the college. In addition, departments expand their offerings by including work in other areas in a two- or three-year cycle. Interdisciplinary Programs. The library’s website can be found at 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Transfer Credit and Cross-Registration Matriculated students may transfer credit from regionally accredited colleges and universities, with certain restrictions. College Catalogs. Such a course may not be used to meet the college distribution requirements, the requirements for the major, or the requirements for the division, and may not be taken in the student’s major department. One introductory political science course (220, 240, 260, or 280) and any other course in political science, but no more than one course … Applications should be filed by June 1 for the following fall semester or by December 1 for spring semester. For more information about computing at Reed, visit the computing and information services website at Typically, these examinations are given near the end of the junior year. The thesis involves substantially more than the writing of a long paper in a course; it requires the development of new knowledge and a wide variety of skills and permits the student to integrate all aspects of his or her academic experience. Check the departmental and divisional listings for specific information. Unsatisfactory grades are reported directly to the student and the student’s adviser. Craft, analyze, critique, and defend arguments using evidence, Frame questions that elicit productive analysis. Your description needs to stand out. A student who wishes to engage in an independent study must secure the approval of the department and division, and must register for the course in the registrar’s office by the end of the second week. Seniors engage in a one-year research project and prepare and defend a thesis based on that research. Performing Arts Resource CenterThe Performing Arts Building includes a shared library and computing facility known as the PARC (performing arts resource center). The most common ways are by enrolling on to an online course where the content will be accessed online or by enrolling on to a classroom course where the course will be taught in an in-person classroom format, at a given location. Students may not withdraw from courses after the deadlines outlined above. In such cases, subject to the approval of the student’s advisers and the departments and division(s) involved, a double major leading to a single degree may be possible. Students should request leaves of absence through the student life office before the start of the semester. For the most part, courses considered basic to the discipline of a department are given every year. Dismissal from the college is final. Additionally, the IMC provides audiovisual equipment for checkout including headphones, laptops, audio/video recorders, projectors, DVD/VCR players, and screens. 425 East 9th Street. A brief summary of key policies is given here. Tuition Refund Insurance Reed College students are eligible to participate in the tuition refund plan offered by A.W.G. Dewar, Inc., at a cost of 0.95% of the total direct costs. At the end of each semester, the progress of first-year students and sophomores is reviewed by the Administration Committee of the faculty, and that of upper-division students by the divisions in which they are majoring. The departments involved will review the statement to evaluate the rationale for the proposed program. Study desks, carrels, and comfortable seating are distributed throughout the building, which also supports wireless network access. This plan extends and enhances the college’s published refund policy. Search Reed Student progress in all courses is reviewed six times each year: at the fourth and eighth weeks and at the end of each semester. Students may request a copy of their transcript through the registrar’s office. Laboratory-based teaching allows students to become familiar with science as an active process of continuing inquiry. With prior approval of the registrar’s office to cross-register, Reed students who are enrolled full time at Reed are eligible to register at a number of other independent colleges in Oregon for one course each semester in fall and spring, at no additional fee. In declaring a major, students work with their faculty adviser to plan a program that meets departmental, divisional, and college requirements. Enrollment in an overload (five units or more) or an underload (fewer than three units) is by special permission only. Some of the foreign language departments offer courses in translation or in their original texts for general literature credit. Getting to Reed Campus map Pacific Northwest College of Art Program. Courses must be taken for a letter or numeric grade, and students must earn a grade of C− or better. Students who wish to participate must enroll and send payment directly to Dewar prior to the first day of classes. Students who wish to participate must enroll and send payment directly to Dewar prior to the first day of classes. Proficiency in a non-English language demonstrated by successful completion of secondary education in that language, successful completion of two units of college-level courses at a … Available minors are listed below. Contribute constructively to a classroom discussion. The specific major requirements are found in the department listings, and divisional requirements are found in the division listings. Tutors have been recommended by their professors and are trained to provide not answers, but guidance. The college's Title IX policy and procedures may be found on our Title IX web page. The deadline for a medical leave is the last day of classes; students should consult with the student life office about that process. The completion of a minor will be recorded when the student graduates. Admission to a MajorStudents must declare a major once they have completed 16 or more units, and should declare no later than the end of the sophomore year. Reed Academics; Reed College Catalog Home; Academic Calendar; Past Catalogs. Students who withdraw from a year course after Monday of the 10th week in fall through Monday of the sixth week in spring will have a W recorded for the course. Think in sophisticated ways about causation, social and/or historical change, human cognition, or the relationship between individuals and society, or engage with social, political, religious or economic theory in other areas. International and comparative policy studies, History and Social Science (Group II); and. ), Analyze and interpret texts, whether literary or philosophical, in English or a foreign language, or works of the visual or performing arts. The program is administered as a minimal requirement in order to introduce students to physical education activities and to encourage them to participate. High Schools. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Every student in academic difficulty should confer with his or her adviser and with the instructor in each course where performance has been unsatisfactory. Students can consult a wide variety of databases and online resources to access journal articles, e-books, data, maps, and images on a wide range of subjects. Getting to Reed Campus map Foreign LanguageProficiency in a foreign language as a requirement for graduation is a matter left to the discretion of the departments and divisions. The Cooley’s programs complement courses in the visual arts and humanities and are accompanied by publications, lectures, and symposia. Inquiries may be directed to the college's Title IX Coordinator by email at, by phone at 503 … Courses in psychology focus on problems in the understanding of both human and animal behavior. An adviser is assigned initially according to the student’s interests and may be changed at the request of the student through the registrar’s office. No distribution requirement can be taken as credit/no credit. Students who have withdrawn and wish to be readmitted must apply for readmission through the registrar’s office. Reed Academics; Reed College Catalog Home; Academic Calendar; Past Catalogs. Contact Reed College. Students also have an opportunity to complete a film and media studies minor in addition to their chosen major field of study. It is a depository for U.S. government publications and maintains special collections of rare books, manuscripts, and archival materials. Getting to Reed Campus map Revised Spring 2021 Schedule (10/26/2020) (PDF) Download and View 2020-2021 Class Schedule (PDF) MOST FALL 2020 CLASSES WILL BE ONLINE. Classes taken in the student’s major department or, in the case of interdisciplinary majors, in the student’s major departments cannot be counted towards a minor. MALS students also may select from 300- and 400-level undergraduate courses, with consent of the instructor, for their degree program, or from 100- and 200-level courses for undergraduate background credit and prerequisites, and thus are eligible to take courses in any of the 26 academic departments at Reed. The Reed student has the advantage of other academic choices besides the 25 single-major fields described in this catalog. The minimum credit required for graduation following a four- or five-year program of study is 30 units of academic work plus six quarters of physical education. Contact Reed College. The problem is selected, then developed through the year by the student, with the support of the faculty thesis adviser. This facility includes sound recordings, music scores, videos, computers, and other information resources that support studies in the performing arts. Students with intense interest in two major fields may petition to carry their work through the writing of a thesis in both areas, if they think that an interdisciplinary or interdivisional single major, or a major in one and strong concentration in the other, would not serve their purposes. Fax: 503-777-7769, International and Comparative Policy Studies. The normal yearly program for students is from seven to nine academic units (excluding credit for physical education), in order to fulfill the 30 units required for graduation. A number of courses are cross-listed in two departments. Students and faculty members who purchase computer equipment and peripherals through the college receive discounts on hardware and software. EvaluationReed College encourages students to measure academic achievement by self-assessment of their grasp of course material and intellectual growth. CollegeSource Online features College Catalogs in cover-to-cover, original page format representing 2-Year, 4-Year, Graduate and Professional Schools. : Three units from one of the following subjects, of which two must come from the same subject: art, comparative race and ethnicity studies, dance, humanities, language courses (Chinese, French, German, Greek, Latin, Russian, Spanish), literature courses and creative writing (English, comparative literature, creative writing, Chinese, classics, French, German, Russian, Spanish, or literature), music, philosophy, theatre. Specific course and credit distribution requirements for majors are detailed in the descriptions of the departmental and interdisciplinary programs. Students may receive two of the six credits in self-directed classes (independent climbing, meditation, off-campus PE, running club, or swim fitness), or by completing community engagement activities (students must register after securing permission from the SEEDS staff). Imagine first-year students skimming descriptions in a lengthy course catalog. Programs and Courses of Instruction > A course that is cross-listed between a department and a program will count for the group for which the departmental course counts. Search Reed In addition, a core collection of current performing arts journals and reference materials is available. Some stipulate a language requirement, and most departments or divisions that do not require foreign language study do recommend that whenever possible such study should be included in the student’s program. Contact Reed College. Enrollment in PE courses must be complete by the end of the second week of classes. Natural, Mathematical, and Psychological Science (Group III). Any change in program that seems advisable in light of the fall semester academic experience may be made during this time but no later than the second week of the spring semester. Grades Reed has a conventional four-point grading system, although traditional grade reports are not given to students unless they request them. In addition, several dual degree programs (see the following section) offer students further interdisciplinary options. Learning outcomes of the distribution requirements are listed below. Reed students are eligible to apply to a joint program with the Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA). MajorsReed students have the opportunity to major in a wide variety of fields. The objectives of the qualifying examination are to gauge the student’s mastery of the discipline or related disciplines, to serve as a diagnostic aid in identifying weaknesses in the student’s preparation for advanced study or thesis work in that discipline, to assist the student in unifying the knowledge of a major field of study, and to assist the major department or interdivisional committee in assessing the effectiveness of its own program. The candidate for graduation takes a final comprehensive two-hour oral review under the direction of the major division, department, and/or interdisciplinary committee. Exhibitions are curated by director Stephanie Snyder ’91, in close collaboration with Reed faculty and occasional guest curators. All students should confer with their advisers at least three times during the year: at the beginning of the year to review their planned course of study, at the beginning of the second semester for an overall review of progress, and in the spring at the time of registration for course selection and program planning for the following year. Master of Science in Integrated Marketing Communications Program If two units are being taken in language classes, the two units must be in the same language. The faculty seeks to deal with students as individuals with differences in experience, attitudes, and interests that have important bearing on their development. A substantial portion of at least one unit used to satisfy the Group III requirement must be devoted to primary data collection and the analysis of that data. In addition to the declaration of major, students declaring a double major or an ad hoc interdisciplinary major must also file a statement of the rationale for such a major. All students take a one-year course in humanities. The petition should include the rationale for the exemption or waiver and the support of the student’s adviser and relevant instructors. Group I: Three units from one of the following subjects, of which two must come from the same subject: art, comparative race and ethnicity studies, dance, humanities, language courses (Chinese, French, German, Greek, Latin, Russian, Spanish), literature courses and creative writing (English, comparative literature, creative writing, Chinese, classics, French, German, Russian, Spanish, or literature), music, philosophy, theatre. A student who is placed on probation is expected to submit a progress plan, developed with the adviser and one of the deans in student life. In fact, in some cases, if no one signs up for your course… Publication titles can be found in the Reed College … A double major is possible, and there are 15 standing interdisciplinary majors that combine two or more compatible fields of study. Reed’s library houses a collection of over 680,000 volumes. The minor shall be declared by completion and submission of the declaration of minor to the registrar’s office. Students who meet the terms of their progress plan in the next semester usually will be cleared from probation; students who fail to meet the terms of their progress plan will likely be denied registration and may be dismissed. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Students must register their personal computers and handheld devices in order to access networked resources. The remaining four credits must be completed in an instructional class. Reed College Top Courses. Students’ work is closely observed and frequently evaluated by faculty instructors. This requirement must be completed while enrolled at Reed. CommendationsAt the end of the academic year, the divisions and the Administration Committee review the records of students who have been enrolled full time for the year and who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship. The joint program requires five years: the first and second years at Reed, followed by a two-year course … : Three units from the following subjects, of which two must come from the same subject: anthropology, classics (only archaeology and ancient history classes), comparative race and ethnicity studies, economics, international and comparative policy studies, history, humanities, linguistics, political science, religion, sociology. Your description needs to stand out. The mission of the Cooley is to present exceptional historical and contemporary art in dialogue with the academic program of the college and for the enrichment of the larger community. The humanities course required of all first-year Reed students and the 200-level humanities courses… This requirement must be completed while enrolled at Reed. In the junior and senior year, independent work is given greater importance as the student selects a major focus for study. 4. In neither case is the grade or unit value used in the grade point computation. If you are seeing this message, it is because you are viewing this site on a browser with limited support. 775-348-0200. At least six units of 300- or 400-level Reed English courses (study abroad courses are not applicable), one of which may be in creative writing. The department participates in the interdisciplinary humanities course sequence (Humanities 231–232) on foundations of Chinese civilization, which is a required course for Chinese majors. Units offering a minor may require specific courses and/or may require a minimum performance standard for courses taken to fulfill minor requirements (e.g., "a GPA of 2.0 across courses counted toward the minor is required" or "a grade of ‘C’ or higher must be earned in all courses counted toward the minor"). The following are official academic actions that the faculty may take at the end of a semester, in order of increasing concern: official warning, probation, denial of registration, and dismissal from college. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. 3203 Southeast Woodstock Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97202-8199 Phone: 503-771-1112 Fax: 503-777-7769. Book stacks are open to encourage browsing of the collections. Senior Thesis and Oral ExaminationThe distinctive feature of a student’s senior year is the sustained investigation of a carefully defined problem—experimental, critical, or creative—chosen from the major field and is considered one part of an overall senior-year program. Distribution requirements that include the arts and humanities, social sciences, mathematics, foreign languages, and natural sciences expose the student to many different methods of intellectual inquiry. Withdrawing from a semester course after Monday of the sixth week, and on or before Monday of the 10th week of the term, will result in the grade of W being recorded. The student’s performance in the examination as well as in all previous coursework is discussed in full departmental or interdisciplinary committee meetings to assess the student’s readiness to begin work on a thesis. Any two one-unit Reed College history courses, or the equivalent. The Reed educational program pays particular attention to a balance between broad study in the various areas of human knowledge and close, in-depth study in a recognized academic discipline. Students of exceptional preparation and ability may be recommended by the faculty for graduation at the end of three years and upon completion of 27 units of academic work plus six quarters of physical education. Reed Publications. This must be approved by the adviser and by a faculty member in the minor field to indicate that the curricular expectations of the minor have been explained and discussed with the student. If you have accessibility … Registration and Course Information. The final deadline for enrolled students to take a regular leave during the semester is the deadline to withdraw from a semester course. Analyze institutions, formations, languages, structures, or processes, whether social, political, religious, economic, cultural, intellectual or other. Search, Catalog > On their part, students are expected to recognize the responsibility placed upon them to participate actively in the intellectual life of the college, to discover their educational objectives, and to strive to attain them. Contact Reed College. Imagine first-year students skimming descriptions in a lengthy course catalog. Students who wish to request exemption from or waiver of an academic policy must submit a petition to the Administration Committee or their division. The following regulations apply to each and all of the current distribution requirements: Students must take three units in each of the following four categories: Humanities 110: Required of all first-year students and of all transfer students.
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