spiritual meaning of frankincense and myrrh
Some varieties are made for use in fragrance oil burners. And in fact, Herod did make an attempt on the life of the newborn king that the wise men had told him about, by ordering the killing of all of the children up to two years old in and around Bethlehem. The scent is thought to induce meditative states, reduce tension and stress, and also to lift the spirit. We know this because after the wise men left, the Lord sent a messenger to give Joseph an even more explicit warning, and told him to leave the country: Now after they had left, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” (Matthew 2:13). The gold represented Jesus’ kingship, the frankincense symbolized his role as a priest, … Frankincense is a symbol of holiness and righteousness. Gold has always been an enduring symbol of incorruptible love, while frankincense and myrrh were ingredients in sacred incenses and anointing oils. The ideas come into my mind fully, but i am unable to express them clearly or concisely without going into too much detail and reference. It has its roots in the word, ‘murr’, meaning ‘bitter to taste’. How to Soothe Legs That Burn After Shaving . The ancient Egyptians burned it as an offering to Ra, the sun god. The research is very profound. (Matthew 2:1–3, italics added). You can read the whole story in Matthew 2:13–18. The Symbolic and Spiritual Meaning of Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh A multitude of camels [from the eastern trading tribes] will cover you [Jerusalem], The young camels of Midian and Ephah; All those from Sheba [who once came to trade] will come Bringing gold and frankincense. What Does it Mean When My Parents Die? Are you getting younger? The Effects of Chewing Coca Leaves . Thus, spiritual practitioners use myrrh today to clear their space of negative energy. Myrrh is the sticky, dry resin of a certain forlorn desert tree, Commiphora myrrha. . Furthermore, this also confirms the accuracy of the Old Testament prophecies because Sheba, Midian and Ephah are all in the territory of the Nabateans of Jesus’ time. Frankincense is a symbol of holiness and righteousness. When purchasing as incense, be sure to buy quality incense made from the actual resins of frankincense or myrrh; otherwise, the spiritual properties of the incense may be diminished or not noticed at all, if made from artificial ingredients. (This post is an edited version of an answer I wrote and posted on Christianity StackExchange. For Herod, the news of an “anointed one” (the original meaning of “Messiah”) was a threat to his throne. Happy New Year to you and your family. First mentioned as a principal ingredient in the holy anointing oil ( Exodus 30:23).It formed part of the gifts brought by the wise men from the east, who came to worship the infant Jesus ( Matthew 2:11).It was used in embalming ( John 19:39), also as a perfume ( Esther 2:12; Psalms 45:8; Proverbs 7:17).It was a custom of the Jews to give those who were … mor. When the wise men gave the infant Jesus a gift of gold, it symbolized the gift of spiritual love that we are to offer to Jesus Christ. Many believe the resin inspires purification and centering of the mind, body and spirit. The Frankincense and Myrrh Anointing Oil is one of the most effective oils that you can use for prayers and deliverance. Most often it is used in contexts in which it couldn’t possibly be referring to a spice, but had to be referring to the metal gold. Thanks for stopping by, and for your comment. The gift of frankincense to the Christ child was symbolic of his future priesthood, setting him apart from a typical king. What is the History and Importance of Bethel in the Bible. This article will dive into the history of myrrh in the Bible, some of its uses, and why it matters for Christians today. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. You can see the original question on StackExchange here, and the StackExchange version of my answer here.). Then, opening their treasure chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Spiritual Meaning of. She enjoys exploring foreign locales and hiking off the beaten path stateside, snapping pics of wildlife and nature instead of selfies. Godspeed on your spiritual journey! The woodsy, spicy fragrance of burning frankincense is synonymous with religious ceremony around the world and is commonly used in meditation practice. They are said to have visited Jesus after his birth, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Blessings to you. That’s why God warned both the wise men and Joseph against him. You simply gave me a greater understanding of the gifts of the Magi. . For those reading in, here are a couple of references to stories that Nicholas referred to: I realize I am poor in explaining what I meant. Like Frankincense, it has been used in spiritual and religious ceremonies for thousands of years. The oils can be worn or dabbed onto cloth and sniffed. In Jesus’ birth narrative, Magi, wise men from the East, approach him with three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh (Matthew 2:11). Frankincense and myrrh are oleoresins, meaning the oils from the plants are combined with its gum-like resin – essentially tree sap. Gold has a very strong presence in the Bible. She writes travel and budgeting tips and destination guides for USA Today, Travelocity and ForRent, among others. Symbolic Interpretation: Myrrh symbolized his passion and subsequent demise. The same Hebrew and Greek words used for “gold” in the Old and New Testaments are also used for the gold overlaid on the furniture of the Tabernacle and woven into the priestly garments, and for the gold of the streets of the New Jerusalem. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh were valuable items monetarily, and were thus fine and expensive gifts. They also used it for embalming so it could accompany a soul to the afterlife, and because it was thought to have antibacterial properties. The spiritual path. So no, Herod didn’t turn out to be bad because the wise men never went back. Thank you Lee This combination gives them that sweet, woody smell perfect for the winter season. In addition, myrrh is an oil that was used to consecrate levitical priests and the wilderness tabernacle, the forerunner to the temple in Jerusalem (Ex. and there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. Frankincense essential oil is one of the most well-known oils from ancient times and has a rich history throughout the bible. In addition to the fragrant smoke it was also used as a rich perfume. ( Log Out /  Can You Masturbate Without Lusting? When the wise men gave the infant Jesus a gift of myrrh, it symbolized the gift of our willingness to serve Jesus Christ actively in our lives by living according to the truth that Jesus teaches. One of the most well-known parts of the Christmas story is the account of wise men bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Sometimes they’re just looking at the same general meaning from a different perspective, such as in terms of people (kings, priests, and so on) rather than more personal meanings (love, truth, service). Thanks for stopping by. Although myrrh may have these uses, it was probably not what the Magi intended it to mean. Will Happily Married Couples be Together in Heaven? As such, gold has become a universal symbol of love. These valuable gifts were clearly intended to … Myrrh, this last one, has roots as far as the Old Testament in terms of having significant meaning. Nice to hear from you! Don’t worry about that. A resin from the Boswellia tree, a deciduous tree that grows on rocky outcrops. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy. It is soft and malleable, warm and beautiful, and holds its value over long periods of time even as other goods and commodities rise and fall. Myrrh. Frankincense is a symbol of holiness and righteousness. That tale shows just how significant this tree resin truly is. Lee Woofenden is an ordained minister, writer, editor, translator, and teacher. So the real significance of the gold, frankincense and myrrh is that they confirm what Justin Martyr wrote in the early second century–that the magi came from Arabia. Myrrh is extruded from the gum of the Commiphora myrrh plant. For thousands of years, practitioners of traditional medicine have valued frankincense and myrrh for their potent healing properties 1. . This sacred oil was to be used in anointing the Tent of Meeting and the sacred articles in it, as well as to anoint Aaron and his sons for service to the Lord as priests. When incense is burned it produces an aroma, and an aromatic smoke that rises up into the air. Perhaps the most famous reference to these substances is in the Bible, where they were offered as gifts to the infant Jesus. Ayurvedic practitioners have used frankincense for a long time as well. True to Myrrh’s reputation as a funerary herb, these pieces are sometimes called “tears.” Ancient Egyptians used Myrrh, along with linen and natron, to embalm the dead. This means that what we see here, in our world, is a result of what happened in the spiritual realm. Jewish and Catholic rites throughout the ages have also involved the use of frankincense. Frankincense was one of the ingredients of the sacred incense described in Exodus 30:34-38, to be placed in front of the ark of the covenant within the Tent of Meeting in the Tabernacle. In temple days, sweet incense containing Frankincense was placed on the Inner Altar of the Tabernacle and burned morning and evening. The woodsy, spicy fragrance of burning frankincense is synonymous with religious ceremony around the world and is commonly used in meditation practice. There are also the spiritual senses of Scripture (see the Catechism 115-19). In a religious context, gold especially symbolizes spiritual and heavenly love—and, of course, divine love. As per the Biblical tale, as recounted in Matthew 2:1-12, an infant Jesus of Nazareth was visited in Bethlehem on the eve of his birth by Magi bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh… You can also blend myrrh into an incense to use for purifying sacred spaces, or to consecrate magical tools and other items. The meaning of gold and myrrh are easy to understand, but frankincense has a deeper meaning… Driving away evil spirits was one of the major uses of frankincense. Frankincense was used in temple rituals, burned ceremonially by the priests. Spiritual truth is truth that comes from God. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Godspeed on your spiritual journey! A: This was the last gift and therefore more exalted than gold or even frankincense. As per the Biblical tale, as recounted in Matthew 2:1-12, an infant Jesus of Nazareth was visited in Bethlehem on the eve of his birth by Magi bearing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. But more than that, they had a ritual significance in the ancient world. Antiseptic and disinfectant 3. You don’t kill someone you want to honor. Looking at your picture. Could it be that herod turned out to be bad because the wisemen never went back? Heb. which depict bags carried in the left hand which symbolize knowledge, reason and higher understanding which leads to wisdom. What about that Holy Spirit? Myrrh: Provides clearing, spiritual connection, healing. Whether you’re studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. That tale shows just how significant this tree resin truly is. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Godspeed on your spiritual journey! Thanks for stopping by, and for your additional thoughts on the meaning of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Frankincense . Copal. Thank you for this explanation, my spirit agrees. When buying in oil form, check the bottle carefully to be sure the contents contain pure essential oils. As when Melchizedek, whom gave an offering of bread and wine to Abram when Abram refused any of the king of Sodom’s possessions or to be sustained by worldly material possessions and was found worthy in the eyes of God, so God inserted himself into Abram by giving him a piece/tenth/tithe of his name and as God said he would be as in the order of Melchizedek, it is God who fully inserted himself (a full tenth) of his name into Christ,Jesus after the temptation in the desert when his worthiness was fully proved and he who is and was and is to come, is a priest and a king forever. Frankincense and myrrh are most commonly known in the Christian tradition for their appearance in the New Testament of the Bible as gifts brought by the Wise Men, or Magi, to Bethlehem. It was used as an embarming tool for burial. For Christians, spiritual truth is especially the teachings of Jesus Christ as given in the Gospels. Frankincense and myrrh anointing oil was also used for burial and purification rites. The gift of frankincense to the Christ child was symbolic of His willingness to become a sacrifice, wholly giving Himself up, analogous to a burnt offering. Now it is clear who brings to the Lord the gift of myrrh. When the wise men gave the infant Jesus a gift of frankincense, it symbolized the gift of our devotion to spiritual truth and to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Myrrh is very spiritual oil and has been used in religious ceremonies and rituals for over 5000 years ! According to a 2013 Leicester University study, a chemical compound called AKBA (acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid) found in the gum resin frankincense has potential cancer-killing properties for breast, prostate, ovarian, and colon cancers. Some readers may just not have quite caught up to you yet. And when Jesus said to his disciples, “Take no gold, or silver, or copper in your belts” (Matthew 10:9), he was clearly talking about metals, not about spices. There have been various interpretations of what the three gifts represent. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Myrrh releases fears, difficult experiences as it relates to us or the world. Frankincense is a symbol of holiness and righteousness. The Best Way to Reduce Sebum Oil . It speaks of intercession. Myrrh is thought to unite heaven and Earth by awakening your awareness of the higher self. Frankincense was used in temple rituals, burned ceremonially by the priests. Kris Canada. On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. According to BibleArcheology.org: “Since the early days of Christianity, Biblical scholars and theologians have offered varying interpretations of the meaning and significance of the gold, frankincense and myrrh that the magi presented to Jesus, according to the Gospel of Matthew (2:11). Spiritual Meaning of. His actual intent was not to pay homage to the newborn king, but to eliminate him as a threat to his own throne. Though the “gold” in “gold, frankincense, and myrrh” could mean turmeric, as some scholars believe, I doubt it. The spiritual realms runs parallel to the natural realm. And gold the metal would be a very fitting gift for the one who was “born king of the Jews.”. Herod was a liar from the beginning, with evil intent from the beginning. My gratitude for the stuff. Whatever. Frankincense essential oil can be added to a diffuser or vaporizer and inhaled for its sedative, earthy fragrance that is known to enhance the mood and combat stress and anxiety. The Significance of Frankincense and Myrrh Anointing Oil Back in temple days, incense containing myrrh and frankincense was placed on the altars of temples. Myrrh is referred to seventeen times in the Bible and is first mentioned in Genesis 37:25, where it was being carried by camels in a … Both frankincense and myrrh are gum resins that are extracted from shrub-like trees in the Burseraceae family, which grow in dry climates across parts of Asia and Africa, including India, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Somalia. Myrrh is native to the Middle East, Northern Africa and India. The three gifts had a spiritual meaning: gold as a symbol of kingship on earth, frankincense (an incense ) as a symbol of deity, and myrrh … But thanks for your kind words. In the Bible, the story goes that myrrh was one of the gifts given to baby Jesus from the wise men (along with frankincense and gold).
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